What's New

Commanding Officer Interviews
Four additional Commanding Officers were interviews on April 14, 2024. Watch the interviews of LCdr J. Ruel, LCdr S.A. Chadwick, LCdr K.C. Daeninck and Lt(N) S. Pelland; as well as all of the interviews of Commanding Officers from the 1970s to today in the Commanding Officer Interviews series, on YouTube.
Posted: May 11, 2024
100th Anniversary Plans
After a short delay, plans are now under way to celebrate our Corps’ 100th anniversary. Our new dates are Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th in 2024. Visit the Centennial website for full details on the 104th anniversary weekend.
Posted: August 15, 2023
Corps Badge Painting Finally Displayed
Six years after Andy Huhn completed his painting of the corps badge it was mounted on HMCS Chippawa's parade deck.
Posted: February 28, 2023
100th Anniversary Update
Your Alumni Steering Committee (ASC) is making plans to meet this summer, to determine the path going forward to our 100th anniversary celebration. Once the ASC has met, we will have more news for you.
Posted: April 25, 2022
Mr. John Jamieson, Alumni Chairperson
It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of our fellow Alumni, John Jamieson. John Jamieson passed away on February 8, 2022. Mr. Jamieson was a former JTC Cadet and life member of the Navy League of Canada; serving as Cornwell Branch President in the 2000s, on the Manitoba Division Executive in the 2010s-2020s and as JTCVC Alumni Chairperson in the 2010s-2020s.
Posted: February 14, 2022
A Tribute to LCdr Jack Templeman
Two of RCSCC John Traver Cornwell VC's Commanding Officers offer a tribute to LCdr Templeman.
Posted: January 15, 2022
LCdr Jack Templeman
It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of one of our Corps' commanding officers. LCdr. Jack Templeman passed away on November 21, 2021.
Posted: November 24, 2021
Mr. Norm Sparks, Former Branch President
It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of one of our Corps' former Cadets. Mr. Norm Sparks passed away on October 14, 2020. Mr. Sparks was a long-time Navy League member and former Cornwell Branch and Manitoba Division President.
Posted: October 18, 2020
100th Anniversary Postponed to 2021
After examining all the information available to them, your Anniversary Steering Committee (ASC) has decided that, for everyone’s safety, the best course of action is to postpone our 100th Anniversary celebration until next year. Your Alumni Team will now work to securing a new date, in late May/early June 2021, and re-securing venues for our centennial weekend, including the Meet & Greet and Reunion Dinner.
Posted: March 29, 2020
LCdr Rudy Weidenbacher
It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of one of our Corps' commanding officers. LCdr. Rudy Weidenbacher passed away on February 13, 2020.
Posted: February 20, 2020
A Brief History of RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC
A brief history of our Corps has been written and is ready to be edited. Read it through and send us any revisions you think should be made.
Posted: January 20, 2020
Season's Greetings from Your Alumni Team
As another year comes to a close, we wanted to wish the Alumni of RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC all the best during this holiday season!
Posted: December 24, 2019
Memorial Notices
A page dedicated to our shipmates that have passed on has been developed.
Posted: December 21, 2019
New Itesm (e.g. Centennial Coin) Added to Kit Stores
Some new items have been added to our kit stores. The Centennial (100th Anniversary) Coin and Pin are now available for sale (and will be available at the gathering on November 20th). In addition, Alumni cufflinks and Centennial stamps are now available.
Posted: November 5, 2019
JTCVC Alumni Gathering
We're having a gathering to reveal the JTCVC Centennial Coin and Pin. Come join us at 1900 hours (7:00 PM) on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at the West Kildonan Legion for a few drinks, some good conversation and a whole lot of fun!
Posted: October 25, 2019
100th Anniversary Reunion Plans Revealed
Initial plans for RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC 100th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion are now being revealed. There will be more details and updates as we draw closer to May 2020, so stay tuned to Facebook and our Centennial website (http://centennial.jtcvc.ca/).
Posted: June 9, 2019
Alumni Polo Shirts Now for Sale
Alumni polo shirts are now available for order. The shirts are $35 and the deadline for ordering is August 15, 2019. See our Facebook post and the above link for further details.
Posted: May 7, 2019
Pictures from the 1960s
Former Corps Chief (Coxswain), Michael Lowthian, has provided some pictures from his time with RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC. Thank you, Michael!
Posted: March 29, 2019
JTCVC Alumni 100th Anniversary Event Survey
In an effort to ensure we are providing the kind of events that would be of interest for our upcoming 100th Anniversary Celebration taking place from May 28th - 31st, 2020, we would greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete the short survey in the attached link. There are only 5 questions, so this will not take more than a minute to complete.
Posted: December 3, 2018
Visit to Great Britain - August 1947
In 1947 two JTC Cadets, CPO Garth Miller & QPO Ed Wilson, visited Great Britain with 23 other Sea Cadets from across Canada. Each Cadet received a commemorative photo album after they returned to Canada. Ed Wilson, former Cadet, Officer and Navy League President graciously lent us his album, so we could scan it and make it available for all of you to see. Thank you very much Ed!!!
Posted: October 16, 2018
Pictures from Cadet Year 2007/2008
Pictures from the Battle of Atlantic Parade, Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) and Promotion Parade during Cadet Year 2007/08 have been provided by Alumni George Bruce and John Jamieson.
Posted: October 10, 2018
Cap Tallies added to Cornwell Print Display
The Alumni added four additional Cap Tallies to the Cornwell at his Gun display case. They include an original H.M.S. Chester and Sea Cadets cap tallies.
Posted: September 22, 2018
Get Together to Discuss Ideas for JTCVC's 100th Anniversary
Come join us on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 to get together with old friends and discuss ideas for the upcoming Corps centennial celebration in 2020.
Posted: September 17, 2018
Winnipeg Tribune Newspaper Clippings
Alumni George Morrison has provided several newspaper clippings from the Winnipeg Tribune. The eight newspaper clippings are from 1943 through to 1974; and make for very interesting reading.
Posted: September 16, 2018
Annual Inspection & Annual Ceremonial Review Programs
Programs for the Annual Inspections and Annual Ceremonial Review Parades for the past 50 years have been posted in a new menu under the History menu. Thanks to Don Bullee, Kevin Daeninck and Lynn Hawkeye for providing those programs.
Posted: August 28, 2018
Awards Updated with 2017/18 Recipients
The awards pages have been updated to include the names of the 2017/18 recipients.
Posted: August 16, 2018
Updated List of Corps Chiefs / Coxswains
We've updated the list of Corps Chiefs/Coxswains. Do you have one or more pictures of past Coxswains you can send us? Do you see anyone missing? Do you see a correction that needs to be made? Please let us know at webmaster@jtcvcAlumni.ca.
Posted: August 8, 2018
New Pictures from the 1930s, 1940s, 1960s, 1980s and 2000s
Alumni Lynn Hawkeye has provided some additional pictures of the Corps over the years. See her pictures from the first 50 years and new pictures added to Sunset Ceremony 1967. Also see her pictures of the 1982 Annual Inspection, 2006 ACR, Navy League Functions in 2000s, 2008 Trafalgar Dinner & Reunion, inside of Chippawa and RCN Centennial in 2010.
Posted: August 2, 2018
YouTube Videos on The Battle of Jutland
Links to some of the YouTube videos available, which document The Battle of Jutland, have been posted on the John Cornwell Pictures page.
Posted: July 31, 2018
July 2018 Quarterly Alumni Update
Quarterly Alumni update has been e-mailed to everyone on our mailing list. If you didn’t receive your copy of this e-mail, contact us at AlumniTeam@jtcvcAlumni.ca.
Posted: July 25, 2018
JTCVC Alumni Lapel Pins Now Available
A JTCVC Alumn lapel pin is now being sold for the low price of $5.00 each.
Posted: July 25, 2018
Date for the JTCVC 100th Anniversary Reunion Announced
The date for the 100th anniversary reunion of RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC has been announced. The reunion will be held starting Thursday, May 28, 2020 and continue through the weekend, ending Sunday, May 31, 2020.
Posted: May 29, 2018
New Pictures from the 1960s, HMS Chester and John Cornwell
Alumni Hugh Walker has provided some pictures from our past. See pictures from the 1960s, a copy of the Corps 50th Anniversary Invitation and pictures related to John Cornwell, VC.
Posted: April 11, 2018
Change of Command 1990
Pictures from the 1990 Change of Command from LCdr. G. Bruce to LCdr. D.G. Bullee.
Posted: March 18, 2018
Change of Command 1994
Pictures from the 1994 Change of Command from LCdr. D.G. Bullee to LCdr. N.D.C. Johnston.
Posted: March 17, 2018
History of Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch
A history of the formation of the Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch has been written and submitted by Rick Hunt. Thank you Rick!
Posted: March 10, 2018
History of The Women's Auxiliary
An extensive history of the Women's Auxiliary written in 1995. Do you have pictures of the ladies in action at their fundraising activities (e.g. Teas)? Please submit them so we can add them to the story.
Posted: March 10, 2018
New Pictures from the 1980s
Richard Puttenham has provided a number of pictures of his time as a cadet in the 1980s. Thank you Richard!
Posted: February 17, 2018
1986 Wardroom Function Pictures
Pictures of the 1986 Officers' Mess Dinner have been provided by David Blain. Thanks David!
Posted: February 17, 2018
1941 Navy League Concert Programme
A programme from a 1941 Navy League Concert has been provided by Lynn Hawkeye. Thanks again Lynn!
Posted: February 17, 2018
Gun Crew Picture from 1989/90
A picture of the Gun Crew from cadet year 1989/90 has been provided by Christing Shaw. Thanks Christine!
Posted: February 17, 2018
1973 HMCS Quadra Officer Training Course Photo
HMCS Quadra's Officer training course in 1973 included four JTC Officer Cadets. Bill Ottenbreit, Bob Web, Rick Hunt & Kerry Knight. See this picture posted to Facebook by Quadra Alumni Gilles Goulet.
Posted: February 12, 2018
Sea Cadet Centennial Pin Available for Purchase
The Sea Cadet Centennial pin is now available for purchase. Get yours at the canteen on parade nights, at Alumni and Branch events, or by contacting us at AlumniTeam@jtcvcAlumni.ca.
Posted: February 8, 2018
New Pictures from the 1960s
In addition to the newsletters below, Alumni Kel Smith has provided some pictures from his time as a JTC cadet in the 1960s.
Posted: January 31, 2018
1960s & 1970s Corps Newsletters
Two additional newsletters have been added to our collection, thanks to Kel Smith. An issue of VC FOR VALOUR from December 1972 and an issue of a yet to be titled newsletter from November 1965!
Posted: January 30, 2018
Freedom of the City
A copy of the Freedom of the City certificate from November 19, 1983.
Posted: January 26, 2018
New Pictures from Bill Ottenbreit
Alumni Bill Ottenbreit has provided some pictures from the 1960s.
Posted: January 26, 2018
New Pictures from the 1979 Annual Inspection
Alumni Jim Kelly has provided some pictures from the 1979 Annual Inspection.
Posted: January 23, 2018
Lt(N) L. Palmquist Video Interview
Lt(N) L. Palmquist served as commanding officer between 2010 and 2013. Watch his interview, the latest in the Commanding Officer Interviews series, on YouTube.
Posted: January 3, 2018
More Pictures for the 1971/72 Cadet Year
The yearbook portion of the 1972 50th Anniversary History Book have been added to the website.
Posted: December 21, 2017
New Pictures from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s
Alumni Bill Sutherland has provided some additional pictures from his time as a cadet and as an officer. See his pictures as a cadet and new pictures added to Military Bonspiel Champions, Royal Visit 1967, Sunset Ceremony 1967, US Exchange 1969, 1970s Wardroom Functions, Cadet Year 1970/71, Cadet Year 1971/72, Cadet Year 1972/73, Cadet Year 1974/75, Cadet Year 1975/76, Summer Camp 1971, Summer Camp 1972, Summer Camp 1973 and Summer Camp 1978.
Posted: December 16, 2017
December 2017 Quarterly Alumni Update
Quarterly Alumni update has been e-mailed to everyone on our mailing list. If you didn’t receive your copy of this e-mail, contact us at AlumniTeam@jtcvcAlumni.ca.
Posted: December 14, 2017
LCdr. N.D.C. Johnston Video Interview
LCdr. N.D.C. Johnston served as commanding officer between 1994 and 1997. Watch his interview, the latest in the Commanding Officer Interviews series, on YouTube.
Posted: December 10, 2017
John Cornwell Newspaper Items
Newspaper items that relate to John Travers Cornwell, VC from 1916. Thanks to Jack Templeman!
Posted: November 9, 2017
LCdr. D.G. Bullee Video Interview
LCdr. D.G. Bullee served as commanding officer between 1990 and 1994, then again between 1999 and 2003. Watch his interview, the latest in the Commanding Officer Interviews series, on YouTube.
Posted: November 5, 2017
2017 Former Cadet Survey
National Cadet and Junior Canadian Ranger Support Group (Natl CJCR Sp Gp) is conducting a national survey of former cadets to determine the success of the Cadet Program in imparting the intended outcomes of: 1) Emotional and Physical Well-being, 2) Social and Cognitive Competence, and 3) Proactive citizenship. This survey runs from September 27 through November 17, 2017, so please take time to participate.
Posted: October 6, 2017
Cornwell Branch 2017 Football Pool
Tickets are now available for Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch's annual Football (Grey Cup) Pool. Tickets are just $3.00 each and can be purchased from select Branch members or at the Canteen on parade (Thursday) nights 1930 - 2130.
Posted: September 25, 2017
Cap Tallies from the 1930's
Two cap tallies from the period of 1927 through 1943 have been added to our Cadet & Officer Badges page.
Posted: September 12, 2017
September 2017 Quarterly Alumni Update
Quarterly Alumni update has been e-mailed to everyone on our mailing list. If you didn’t receive your copy of this e-mail, contact us at AlumniTeam@jtcvcAlumni.ca.
Posted: September 12, 2017
Display Case for Cornwell Print
The Alumni has commissioned a display case to display the Cornwell at his Gun print, which now hangs on HMCS Chippawa's wall across from the CO's and XO's offices.
Posted: May 31, 2017
Reposted with Additional Pictures: September 8, 2017
Corps' Trophies
See pictures of the Corps' trophies and the names of the receipients over the years.
Posted: August 27, 2017
Alumni Get Together
This is a casual event open to anyone who would like to drop by and raise a glass with us. No tickets, no pressure, just an excuse to meet and have a few laughs together.
Posted: August 18, 2017
The Life of John Travers Cornwell, VC
A short history of John Travers Cornwell, VC written by Ian Mullins.
Posted: August 11, 2017
Pictures from the 1970s
Pictures, posters and handouts from the 1970s thanks to Bill Sutherland and Phillip Bingham.
Posted: July 27, 2017
Mess Dinners 1975, 1976 & 1977
Presentation of the "Cornwell at his Gun" print and annual officers' mess dinners in 1975, 1976 and 1977.
Posted: July 2, 2017
Ceremony of the Flags 1978
Ceremony of the Flags at the May 28, 1978 airshow at CFB Winnipeg. Thanks to Bill Sutherland for the pictures!
Posted: March 13, 2017
Reposted with Additional Pictures: June 30, 2017
Ceremony of the Flags 1977
Over three nights, May 27th, 28th and 29th, 1977, the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps John Travers Cornwell VC performed the Ceremony of the Flags in Memorial Park.
Posted: February 2, 2017
Reposted with Additional Pictures: June 28, 2017
US Exchange 1969
In 1969 Lt. W.F. Sutherland accompanied sea cadets from accross the country, including ten from RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC, on the US Exchange program on board USS Norton Sound.
Posted: June 28, 2017
Sunset Ceremony 1967
As part of the Centennial celebrations, RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC performed the Sunset Ceremony every night for a week, in the summer of 1967.
Posted: June 27, 2017
LCdr. G. Bruce Video Interview
LCdr. G. Bruce served as commanding officer between 1987 and 1990. Watch his interview, the latest in the Commanding Officer Interviews series, on YouTube.
Posted: June 26, 2017
1960s Pictures
Alumni Allan McInnes provided a number of pictures from the 1960s.
Posted: June 26, 2017
Change of Command 1973
LCdr. R. Weidenbacher turns over command of RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC to LCdr. A.T. McInnes.
Posted: June 26, 2017
Change of Command 1976
LCdr. A.T. McInnes turns over command of RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC to LCdr. J.L. Templeman.
Posted: June 26, 2017
Commanding Officer Interviews
The Alumni have undertaken a project to conduct video interviews with all RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC’s Commanding Officers who have served in the past fifty years.
Posted: June 22, 2017
LCdr. A. McInnes Video Interview
LCdr. A. McInnes served as commanding officer between 1973 and 1976. Watch his interview, the latest in the Commanding Officer Interviews series, on YouTube.
Posted: June 21, 2017
LCdr. L. Bilton Video Interview
LCdr. L. Bilton served as commanding officer between 1983 and 1987. Watch her interview, the latest in the Commanding Officer Interviews series, on YouTube.
Posted: June 16, 2017
June 2017 Quarterly Alumni Update
Quarterly Alumni update has been e-mailed to everyone on our mailing list. If you didn’t receive your copy of this e-mail, contact us at AlumniTeam@jtcvcAlumni.ca.
Posted: June 16, 2017
Royal Visit June 6, 1967
RCSCC John Travers Cornwell participates in the 1967 Roayl visit by HRH Princess Alexandra.
Posted: June 12, 2017
2017 Annual Ceremonial Review
RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC held their Annual Ceremonial Review on Thursday, May 18th. Several Alumni were in attendance.
Posted: May 30, 2017
Reposted with Additional Pictures: June 12, 2017
Alumni Report to Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch AGM
At the Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch Annual General Meeting, Alumni President, John Jamieson, reported on the busy and successful year that the Alumni have had.
Posted: June 2, 2017
Corps Badge Painting Raffle
The Alumni are raffling off a 9-inch by 12-inch painting of the corps badge.
Posted: May 31, 2017
New JTCVC Corps Badge Painting Unveiled
RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC unveiled a new painting of their corps badge at Ceremonial Divisions on Thursday.
Posted: May 5, 2017
Cornwell (Winnipeg) Branch - Bud, Spud & Beef Event
Join us Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM at the West Kildonan Legion #30, 1748 Main Street for our annual Bud, Spud and Beef Night.
Posted: April 11, 2017
First 50 Years Pictures
Some additional pictures from the first 50 years.
Posted: March 23, 2017
Corps 75th Reunion
Pictures from the corps 75th reunion celebration.
Posted: March 22, 2017
1950s, 1970s & 1990s Corps Newsletters
Four corps newsletters from 1959 (The Cadet Log), two from the 1970s (VC for Valour) and six from the 1990s (Cornwell Quarterly) have been added. Thanks once again to Lynn Hawkeye!
Posted: March 21, 2017
1988 Yearbook
A PDF copy of the 1988 yearbook. NOTE: This PDF is 6.2 MB, so it may take time to download.
Posted: March 15, 2017
Work on the Corps Badge Begins
We've added pictures of Andy Huhn starting the painting of the corps badge, which will replace the current one on the parade deck.
Posted: March 8, 2017
Curling Champions 1975-77
Winners of the Lt. Col, Wm. McLeod trophy in three consecutive years.
Posted: March 6, 2017
1947 & 1948 Corps Newsletters
Corps newsletters from 1947 and 1948 have been added. Thanks to Lynn Hawkeye!
Posted: March 6, 2017
Beer Tasting Events a Success
The Beer Tasting Events held on February 17th and 24th were a great success!
Posted: March 3, 2017
Cadet Rank Badges for Pre-1953
Cadet rank badges for pre-1953 have been added
Posted: February 7, 2017
Cadet Trade Badges for Pre-1953
Cadet trade badges for pre-1953 have been added
Posted: February 7, 2017
Interview with LCdr. J.L. Templeman
A video interview with LCdr. J.L. Templeman, commanding officer 1976 - 1983
Posted: February 5, 2017
100th Promo with LCdr. J.L. Templeman
LCdr. J.L. Templeman's 100th anniversary promotional video
Posted: February 5, 2017
New JTCVC Tradition Started
A new RCSCC John Travers Cornwell VC tradition started on February 2, 2017
Posted: February 3, 2017


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